As a result of falsified legislative elections to the Sejm in early 1947. Communist Polish Workers’ Party
received almost the full political power in Poland. Legally opposition, placed in the Polish Peasant Party
and illegal, anti-communist political and military structures clearly weakened, were unable to influence the
situation in the country. During 1947 and 1948 were promoted top-down thesis that had been successfully
resolved all issues related to the integration so called Recovered Territories with the rest of the country.
Incorporated in 1945 Eastern German territories.It was not true, but such views formed part of the fight
against the Stalinist leadership of the PPR with the leader of the Communists‘national’Władysław Gomułka.
During 1948,. his political position has been marginalized. As the leader of PPR and head of the Ministry of
Recovered Territories had lost the ability to influence the situation in the western and northern regions.At the
beginning of 1949. Ministry was closed despite the many unresolved lands new problems.
Futurists from the MZO: Self-Organisation of the Ministry of the Recovered Territories in Time and Space Karolina Ćwiek-Rogalska, Izabela Mrzygłód Acta Baltico-Slavica
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