Przywilej dla osady pod zamkiem w Piszu z 1367 roku
Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie
Data publikacji online: 04-04-2017
Data publikacji: 05-04-2017
KMW 2017;295(1):23-34
This paper discusses, in detail, the content of the privileges for the residents of the settlement by the castle
at Pisz from 10 November 1367, which were presented simultaneously by the commander of Balga and the Natangian advocate Ulryk Fricke. The commander provided the right to fish freely, maintain apiaries and hunt, and the
inhabitants also received the Kulm law, although this was not mentioned in the document. From the beginning,
the community also had a clear role in serving the castle garrison, tasked with the economic exploitation of the
forest and wetlands. The inhabitants, however, were free, with the status of gardeners, and were referred to above
all as bee keepers or fishermen.