Sanktuarium w Świętej Lipce w świetle protokołu powizytacyjnego z 1798 roku
Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie
Data publikacji online: 05-04-2018
Data publikacji: 06-04-2018
KMW 2018;299(1):77-100
In the archives of the Archdiocese of Warmia there are numerous sources for the history of the sanctuary
in Święta Lipka. Many of them have already been used in published articles and monographs. It turns out, however,
that some of them have been omitted, although they contain valuable information about the temple’s equipment,
pastoral work and social life. An example of this is the manuscript of the post-visitation protocol from October
10, 1798, used in this paper. It contains a brief history of the place and the first chapel, a description of the current
church construction and its equipment, information about liturgy, salaries, other buildings, priests and church
employees, a hospital and a music school. Also, written foundation documents of the sanctuary the originals of
which have been lost are an extremely valuable addition.