Bezławki versus Święta Lipka, czyli rzecz o budowie wiejskiego domu dla konfirmantów na pograniczu historycznej Warmii w XIX wieku
Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie
Data publikacji online: 04-04-2017
Data publikacji: 05-04-2017
KMW 2017;295(1):79-94
In 1855 Fr. Otto Hartmann Dobgan took the initiative of establishing a house for the confirmed in Bezławki. In his view, such a centre would counterbalance the proselytism of the Catholic priests in Święta Lipka. They
took the children from poor Evangelical families who were then preparing for their First Holy Communion. A
small house in Bezławki, intended for the confirmed, was purchased on 1 October, 1856. It was designated for use
a month later. At first, eight pupils lived there free of charge while preparing for their confirmation. A decision was
quickly made to build a new facility. The dedication of the foundational stone was scheduled for 19 April, 1857. In
October of that year the work was completed. The consecration of the building took place on 26 June, 1858. This
investment was supported by evangelical organizations, especially the Gustavus Adolphus Union, who co-funded
the activities of the house. Its caretakers included the Schwarz family, the teacher of Thal and Haases. The centre
survived until World War II