Losy studentów alumnatu papieskiego w Braniewie w XVI i XVII wieku
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
Data publikacji online: 03-10-2017
Data publikacji: 04-10-2017
KMW 2017;297(3):409-444
hanks to the Jesuits, Braniewo became an important and popular educational centre. The Jesuit gymnasium, diocesan seminary and from 1578 a papal seminary have also been praised in Warmia’s history. The role of
the latter institution was to educate students in the spirit of the Catholic faith. The task of the graduates originating
largely from the Nordic countries was to return to their homeland and promote their re-Catholicisation. However,
many Finns, Norwegians and Swedes, due to the anti-Catholic legislation of these countries and the fluctuating
political situation, could not cope, and those who tried were in danger of receiving the highest punishment. For is reason, the influx of Scandinavians into the papal seminary fell dramatically. Many graduates after their ordination took up work in, amongst other places, the diocese of Warmia, and some of them found their place in the
circle of King Sigismund III Vasa.