Działalność Przedsiębiorstwa Państwowe Pracownie Konserwacji Zabytków Oddział w Olsztynie w świetle zasobu Archiwum Państwowego w Olsztynie
Archiwum Państwowe w Olsztynie
Data publikacji online: 20-07-2019
Data publikacji: 20-07-2019
Autor do korespondencji
Katarzyna Włodarczyk
KMW 2019;304(2):379-389
By an ordinance of 25 August 1950, the Minister of Culture and Arts created the State Studios for Conservation of Cultural Property (PP PKZ) based in Warsaw. The company carried out conservation works of monuments, prepared technical documentation of historic buildings and conducted architectural and conservation supervision during various works. One of the first branches of the Enterprise was the Branch of PP PKZ in Gdańsk, established in March 1951. Its territorial coverage extended across the area of northern Poland from Szczecin to Olsztyn. It was subordinated to the branches of “Works Group Management” in Szczecin and Koszalin (1958), Toruń and Elbląg (1959), Malbork (1960), and Słupsk (1977). From 1961, there was a branch in Olsztyn: PP PKZ Branch in Gdańsk, Olsztyn Department. This operated in the then Olsztyn Province and partly in the neighbouring provinces (Suwałki, Elbląg and Ciechanów). In 1980, the General Director of PP PKZ in Warsaw created PP PKZ Branch in Olsztyn, which began work from 1 January 1981. Its main task was to prepare technical and historical documentation needed for the conservation of monuments, exercise architectural and conservation management during the implementation of works, the conservation of monuments, perform security works, ongoing repairs, the repair, reconstruction and adaptation of monuments, and to perform specialised situational - height and inventory measurements. The Olsztyn branch ended its operations in 1990. Its functions were taken over by a company established after privatisation under the name the Polish Labs for the Preservation of Monuments Sp. z o.o. in Olsztyn.
Wizerunki metropolitów mohylewskich abp. Ignacego Hołowińskiego i abp. Wacława Kazimierza Żylińskiego w zasobach muzeum archidiecezji warmińskiej w Olsztynie
Adam Stefan Ornatek
Nasza Przeszłość
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