Stan badań nad odręcznymi zapiskami Mikołaja Kopernika w starych drukach biblioteki Wyższego Seminarium Duchownego Metropolii Warmińskiej „Hosianum” w Olsztynie
Wyższe Seminarium Duchowne Metropolii Warmińskiej "Hosianum" w Olsztynie
Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie
Data publikacji online: 29-09-2015
Data publikacji: 30-09-2015
KMW 2015;289(3):409-431
The collection of the Library of the Seminary MetropolitanWarmia“Hosianum” in Olsztyn isten prints
fromthe fifteenthandearly sixteenthcentury,whichincludehandwrittennotesof NicolausCopernicus.They are
printed in the field of canon law,philosophy and theology.Having these recordsisso valuable because the library
of the great astronomer was in 1626 plundered by the Swedes and is in the library of the University of Uppsala.
This study presents the first bibliophile passion of Copernicus, and so far the results of the thirty-four notes
in the oldest volume from 1472 year, which includes two works of law. It includes numerous highlight,
strikethrough, signs reminding finger, bug fixes and minor printing the notes consisting of one or several
words. These records relate to students’religious rights, the competence of the pope, the bishop and the abbot
and other legal issues.