Rekreacja konna w placówkach oświatowych województwa olsztyńskiego (1945-1989)
Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski
Data publikacji online: 03-07-2018
Data publikacji: 04-07-2018
KMW 2018;300(2):276-287
Equestrian movement in Olsztyn Voivodeship, in times of the People’s Republic of Poland, developed quite
dynamically. The coauthors of the equestrian recreation were initially chiefs of breeding centers who relatively
quickly led to the creation of workplace clubs. Therefore, the capital of the region for many years was seen in the
national scene as a promoter of qualified horsemanship. There was not paid a particular attention to the organization of facilities, though in Warmia and Mazury a well-devoloped network of agricultural schools was functioning
with the necessary infrastructure for this purpose. The first “horse-riding school” was established in 1973. In the
seventies of the last century in the educational institutions of the region, they were able to form only three other
ones. The research results show clearly that the existing database in the training and educational process was used
to a negligible extent.