Sprawozdanie z badań wykopaliskowych na grodzisku zwanym „Okrągła Góra” w Pasymiu,
pow. Szczytno, stan. 1 w roku 2018
Instytut Archeologii Uniwersytet Warszawski
Data publikacji online: 15-05-2019
Data publikacji: 15-05-2019
KMW 2019;303(1):153-161
In 2018, excavations at the stronghold in Pasym in the Szczytno district continued (Figure 1). They were
mainly concentrated on the area within the stronghold. Three excavations were carried out (Figure 2). Trench 1
(15 × 5 m) was situated in the western part on the extension south of Trench 1 from 2017. Excavation 2 (5 × 5 m)
was located in the north-west part of the stronghold, on the slope descending towards the lake. Trench 3 (2 × 2
m) was located at the foot of the stronghold on the lake side. In total, the excavated area was 1.29 ar. Particularly
noteworthy was the discovery of two large features (4 and 13) of a residential character. The results of previous
studies clearly indicate that buildings of this type were located along the edge of the inner area of the stronghold.
A large number of finds was recovered during the excavations: 5,082 ceramic fragments, 11,559 animal bone
fragments and 121 artefacts.
Miejsce, które rodziło władzę. Gród z początków wczesnego średniowiecza w Pasymiu na Pojezierzu Mazurskim
Sławomir Wadyl