Od państwowych nieruchomości ziemskich do państwowych gospodarstw rolnych (1946-1982). Charakterystyka źródeł do dziejów rolnictwa upaństwowionego w zasobie Archiwum Państwowego w Olsztynie
Archiwum Państwowe w Olsztynie
Data publikacji online: 03-10-2017
Data publikacji: 04-10-2017
KMW 2017;297(3):457-497
The article presents sources for the history of state agriculture in 1946–1982 housed in the State Archives
in Olsztyn. Firstly, it provides an outline of the organisational changes of state farms (PGRs) over time, taking into account the competences of individual organizational units. This is followed by the characteristics of the contents
of the archives according to the structure presented in the first part. As the detailed analysis was conducted on
the organization and legacy of state–level agricultural holdings, the whole was supplemented by a short description of other sources and their creators, which contain information on the functioning of agriculture in the years
1946–1982 and stored in the State Archive in Olsztyn.