The article consists of 8 parts: 1. State of research; 2. The route of cholera transmission from
India, through Russia and Poland to Prussia; 3. Authorities’ measures in the face of a cholera
epidemic; 4. Origins of the cholera epidemic in East Prussia; 5. The course of the cholera epi-
demic and the summary of population losses in the province of East Prussia in the second half
of 1831; 6. Successive cholera epidemics in East Prussia in the 19th century; 7. Ways of treating
cholera in the light of existing medical standards in the 19th century; 8. Scientists in search of
the perpetrator of the cholera pandemic and an annex of a document from the State Archives
in Olsztyn (Dr Schreiber’s account of 3 July 1831 describing the course of the cholera disease
and treatment methods for a Russian grenadier staying at the quarantine facility in Schirwindt,
Pillkallen district and the wife of a guard named Hollstein) in the original version and in Polish
translation. The article shows both the efforts and the helplessness of the medicine of the time
in the face of the cholera epidemic.
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