Editorial guidelines

  1. The Editorial Board accepts only original scientific manuscripts in Polish, English, or in other national language, not submitted for print to another book or scientific journal at the same time. Acceptable volume of texts submitted to the Editorial Board:
    • manuscript — from 0.5 to 1.5 publishing sheet (i.e. about 60 thousand characters including spaces and annotations)
    • critical analysis — up to 1 publishing sheet (40 thousand characters including spaces and annotations)
    • review — up to 15 thousand characters including spaces and annotations
  2. Manuscripts intended for print must be delivered in an electronic format as a text file (.doc, .docx, .rtf.) using the editorial platform available on the website Manuscripts should be standardized:
    1. Times New Roman font: main text — size 12, annotations — size 10;
    2. leading: main text — 1.5, annotations — 1;
    3. paragraphs in the main text — indentation 1.25.
  3. While addition of manuscripts on the editorial platform it is recommended to insert an abstract in Polish optional in English in the range of 800 to 1000 characters, five keywords and a short biography of the author, which contains information on the degree/title, affiliation, ORCID ID and email address.
  4. Layout of the first page of the manuscript:
    on the top the title in standard writing, in quotation marks, without capital letters, below the text.
  5. The manuscript should be accompanied by a list of sources including the publications cited in annotations (name and surname of the author in full length, title, place and year of publications in case of quoted collective works and manuscripts with their entire page range). The list of the sources shall be divided as follows:
    archives, printed sources, legal acts, reports and memories, press, studies, internet sources.
  6. Titles, quotes, quotation marks.
    1. Titles of works and documents:
      1. manuscripts: original titles and incipits of documents, papers, etc.
        are written in quotation marks, titles given by the author of the manuscript — without quotation marks,
        e.g., Laudum of the sejmik, Memorial, etc.;
      2. prints: titles of works and documents are written in italics, titles of chapters
        and fragments of works (documents) — in quotation marks, default titles or common titles — capital letter without distinction, e.g. Helmold’s Chronicle, Annals of Quedlinburg, Bavarian Geographer, Constitution of 3 May.
    2. Citations:
      1. the sources quoted in the main text principally use the title of the translation (original title only in exceptional cases); the annotations always provide titles in the original language; it is encouraged to put in the annotations the original content of the citations that were used in the main text in their translated form; Quoted fragments of documents or source edits should be written in italics in the main text and in the annotation; Quoted excerpts of other works should be written in a simple font, with the whole content put in quotation marks.
      2. in the case of Slavic Cyrillic alphabets (Belarussian, Bulgarian, Macedonian, Russian, Serbo-Croatian and Ukrainian), the text quotes the original content, the annotations also employ the Cyrillic alphabet;
      3. the quoted source fragments are neither preceded nor followed by an ellipsis;
      4. fragments left out from the quoted text are signaled with two dashes in square brackets: [—].
  7. Spelling of names, surnames and other expressions related to persons.
    1. It is recommended to use the original spelling of names and surnames in the native language of the people mentioned in the text, possibly using transcription in its transliterated form, in the nominative case, in brackets, e.g., Shevchenko (Ševcenko). The above does not apply to widely known persons (e.g. Dusburg, Henryk Zdzik, etc.), monarchs and saints. In the case of polonized foreigners, the Polish form may be used.
    2. The names of persons mentioned in the text or a narrative fragment of an annotation for the first time should be provided in full. In other cases, the initials of the first name and the surname are given or, especially for authors known or often mentioned in the text, only the surname, e.g., Toeppen, Praetorius. Bibliographic and archival descriptions should only provide the initials of the first name and the surname.
  8. Abbreviations, dates and other time indicators, numerals.
    1. Manuscripts may include generally accepted abbreviations: etc., i.e., and others.
    2. Dates in the manuscript:
      a) month in words, e.g. 5 March 1910;
      b) with different styles (calendars): 10/20 May 1589 but 27 II/11 III 1896;
      c) periods from to: e.g. 1 to 10 May 1900, 1 May–10 June 1900;
      d) for dates interjected in brackets, the month is given as a Roman number and the abbreviation r. shall not appear at the end in Polish, e.g. (1 V 1826).
    3. Dates in annotations:
      a) month as a Roman number, e.g. 5 III 1900 (does not apply to quotes and narrative passages);
      b) in the absence of a daily date, the month always verbally, e.g. in March 1825.
    4. Spelling of the terms “century/wiek”, “year/rok”:
      a) before — in full, e.g. w wieku XVI, in the year of 1928;
      b) after — in full, e.g. in the 16th century, w 1928 roku (u)
    5. In terms such as “in the second half”, “the eighties”, numbers are not used.
    6. Numerals:
      a) numbers with spaces separating the orders of magnitude, e.g. 1234, 11 456,
      b) numbers with abbreviations: thous., mln, bln, e.g. 2 thous., 5 mln, 10 bln.
  9. In annotations, the same parameters as in the main text are used, i.e. font size, leading and margins. If the link to an annotation coincides with a comma, a semicolon, or a full stop ending a sentence, the link is placed in front of such characters (except for abbreviations, such as w. or r.). Annotations employ the same abbreviations as in the main text as well as conventional Latin abbreviations: ibidem, idem, eadem, iid, aedem, op. cit., loc. cit. Other abbreviations adopted in historical specialized studies may also be used, but they have to be explained at first use.
  10. Bibliographical descriptions.
    1. Journals: first letter of the name and full surname of the author, title of the manuscript (in italics), title of the journal without quotation marks or abbreviated title (if found on the list below, without quotation marks), titles of daily press or weekly papers with quotation marks; annual, year of issue, number or issue in Arabic numerals, pages, e.g.: J. Michalski, Publicystyka i parapublicystyka doby sejmu 1776 roku, Kwartalnik Historyczny (hereinafter: KH) 105, 1998, 1, p. 21–64.
    2. Publication series: first letter of the name and full surname of the author, title in italics, place and year of issue, name of the series and volume number without distinctions (but written in italics in the main body of the manuscript), pages at the end. In the case of collective works, the title of the manuscript is followed by a comma and — in: (without square brackets), the title of the collective work in italics and the first letter of the name and full surname of the editor, e.g., J. Tyszkiewicz, Średniowieczne granice wytyczone wzdłuż rzek w Europie Środkowej, in: Z dziejów średniowiecznej Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej, ed. Idem, Warsaw 2007, Fasciculi Historici Novi, vol. 6, p. 145–152.
    3. Manuscripts in continuous publications in the form of collective works are treated as manuscripts in journals, e.g. J. Staszewski, Elekcja 1697 roku, Acta Universitatis Nicolai Copernici, Nauki Humanistyczno-Społeczne, issue 259, Historia, 28, 1993, p. 73–92. If the book appeared as single volume (issue) of a continuous publication, the following order should be used: first letter of the name and full surname of the author, title in italics, place and year of issue, the title of the continuous publication in quotation marks, volumes, issues and similar information.
    4. Biograms in Polski Słownik Biograficzny are treated as manuscripts in a publication series, e.g. M. Zgórniak, Haller Cezary, PSB, vol. 9, Wrocław 1960–1961, p. 250.
    5. We use Polish shorthand terms: publ., comp., ed. (not under ed.).
    6. If a translated work is used, the language of the original and the date of issue of the manuscript used as source during translation should be provided.
    7. The bibliographic descriptions inserted into the manuscript or arguments in the annotations are enclosed in round parentheses.
    8. In bibliographic descriptions of works published in Slavic Cyrillic alphabets, we use the Cyrillic alphabet or transliteration.
    9. Descriptions of archival materials and manuscripts are modernized in accordance with the principles set out in the Instrukcja wydawnicza dla średniowiecznych źródeł historycznych (Cracow1925) and in the Instrukcja wydawnicza dla źródeł historycznych od XVI do połowy XIX wieku (Wrocław 1953).
    10. Bibliographical descriptions of old prints are not modernized; only the spelling of nineteenth- and twentieth-century texts is modernized.
    11. Use of uppercase and lowercase in the titles of manuscripts published in English: in English titles, all nouns, pronouns (except relative that), adjectives, adverbials and subordinate conjunctions start with an uppercase letter. Lowercase is reserved for articles, possessive pronouns (my, your etc.), prepositions, and coordinate conjunctions and, but, or and nor, e.g. Put Out More Flags; How Far Can You Go?; The Man Who Was Thursday; All’s Well that Ends Well; Pride and Prejudice; A Voyage towards the South Pole (book titles); A Social History of the Welsh Language (series titles); The Faerie Queene; The Passionate Shepherd to his Love (titles of verses or poems). Uppercase letter is used in the first word of the subtitle after the colon (e.g. Strange Music: The Metre of the English Heroic Line). However, when “or” is used after a semicolon to present an alternate title, it is written in lowercase, e.g.: All for Love; or, The World Well Lost.
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