Mortąg (former Mortung), is presently a village situated in the county of Sztum (Pomeranian Voivodeship) mentioned in sources for the first time in 1312. In the 14th century the seat of the Teutonic Procurator (Pfleger / provisor) and later of the Master of Fishery (Fischmeister) is connected with Mortag. Teutonic officials are confirmed in Mortąg until 1455. There was also a manor farm (folwark) adjacent to the officials' manor in Mortag; the villages of Stary Dzierzgoń (Alt Christburg), Monasterzysko (Munsterberg) and the estate and manor of Matule (Mothalen) were also subject to the procurators and masters of fishery. In this article the authors, on the basis of the preserved sources, indicate the potential location of the Teutonic Knights' buildings connected with the manor and/or folwark functioning here.
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