The garrison of Pisz (Johannisburg) in 1656–1658
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Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie
Online publication date: 2017-04-04
Publication date: 2017-04-05
KMW 2017;295(1):59-78
The article discusses the origins, composition, organizational structure and size of Colonel Dietrich von
Lessgewang’s company, which was formed in the spring of 1656 as the garrison of the fortress in Pisz. At the same
time, it critically refers to existing information in the historical literature on other military units at Pisz before 1655
or during the war in 1655–1660. Before 1655, Pisz had no permanent garrison, and in response to the Swedish
threat, and then from the Commonwealth, a company from the field regiments was temporarily installed there.
Lessgewang’s company was the first permanent garrison at Pisz, but was only in the fortress until the autumn of
1658. Later it was moved to Königsberg, and in July 1660 it was dissolved